The Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies host the third annual Latin American Security Forum titled, "Latin America in the World Order: Stepping Up." During the full-day event, subject matter experts from the US and Latin America will analyze current events and address the following issues: Regional and health security, great power competition within the region, and energy development.
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The Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies host the third annual Latin American Security Forum titled, "Latin America in the World Order: Stepping Up." During the full-day event, subject matter experts from the US and Latin America will analyze current events and address the following issues: Regional and health security, great power competition within the region, and energy development.
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Global warming presents one of the most serious threats to South American nations. Countries in the region are at risk of a variety of climate change related problems: rising sea levels, diminishing potable water supplies, forest fres, intense storms and fooding, heat waves and the spread of diseases. These disasters are occurring more frequently in the region and will likely increase in intensity also. The armed forces in the region are the only government departments with both the capacity and the manpower to respond to these massive catastrophes. Military support to civilian authorities will be required more frequently and under more severe conditions as climate change conditions worsen.
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As part of the commands' annual posture statements to Congress, General John Kelly of SOUTHCOM and General Charles Jacoby, Jr. of NORTHCOM presented their goals and concerns in testimony before the House and Senate Armed Service Committees on February 26, 2014 and March 13, 2014, respectively. The Perry Center, as one of the Hemisphere's premier venues for security and defense education and outreach, plays a pivotal role in carrying out both NORTHCOM and SOUTHCOM's priorities throughout the year. The following summaries of Gen. Kelly's and Gen. Jacoby's 2014 posture statements provide insight into the key concerns and objectives for the Western Hemisphere regional commands over the course of the year.
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