The William J. Perry Award for Excellence in Security and Defense Education

The William J. Perry Award for Excellence in Security and Defense Education

Every day, thousands of dedicated professionals in government, the military, academia, and civil society do the tireless, often unheralded work of making the Americas safer and more secure. The Perry Award offers an opportunity to recognize some of the individuals and organizations advancing security and defense education in the Americas.

Awardees may be either individuals who or organizations that, through education, research, outreach, and/or scholastic leadership, have contributed to the knowledge base of defense and security practitioners, advanced a cooperative international security environment, and/or promoted sustainable institutional capacity in the Americas. Awardees will have made sustained contributions in their fields in a manner consistent with the Perry Center’s mission.

Individual Category

  • 2023 – No Award Presented
  • 2022 – General (ret.) Raul Oswaldo Jarrin Roman (Ecuador)
  • 2022 – Commodore Errington Ricardo Shurland (Barbados)
  • 2021 – No Award Presented
  • 2020 – No Award Presented
  • 2019 – Dr. Linda Castro Gainza (Mexico)
  • 2018 – General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda (Mexico)
  • 2017 – Dr. Marcos Pablo Moloeznick Gruer (Mexico)
  • 2016 – Ambassador Luigi Einaudi (USA)
  • 2015 – Admiral Francisco Soberon Sanz (Mexico)
  • 2015 – Prof. Ivelaw Griffith (USA)
  • 2014 – Dr. Richard Millett (USA)
  • 2013 – Dr. Maria Liz Garcia de Arnold (Paraguay)
  • 2012 – President Felipe Calderón (Mexico)
  • 2011 – Mr. Nelson Jobim (Brazil)
  • 2010 – Dr. Jose Bayardi (Uruguay)
  • 2010 – General (ret.) John Galvin (USA)
  • 2009 – No Award Presented
  • 2008 – President Alvaro Uribe Velez (Colombia)
  • 2007 – No Award Presented

Other Awards

  • 2017  Dr. John Cope (USA) – Legacy Award

Institutional Category