This paper focuses on vaccination practices among the Western Hemisphere's armed forces. The paper will look at three issues: (1) the institutional and normative sources of vaccine requirements and mandates; (2) the alternatives provided to service members who choose not to be vaccinated; and (3) incentives and penalties for non-compliance. The analysis is broken down by sub-regions of the Western Hemisphere: North America, the Caribbean (non-Spanish speaking), Central America and the Dominican Republic, and South America.
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Current events warrant a review of US civil-military relations doctrine. This special commentary examines eight principles of military subordination to elected civilian officials and addresses the fundamental question at the heart of civil-military relations theory and practice, namely, what options, if any, does the military professional have when civilian leadership disregards military advice? Examples drawn from US history can provide an important framework for understanding the complex interrelational dynamics at play.
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Colombia is one of the US' closest partners in Latin America, sharing democratic values, free-market capitalism, and mutual security interests. The US is Colombia's largest trade and investment partner, thanks to the US–Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement. Through "Plan Colombia," the US and Colombia have built a strong counterterrorism and counter-narcotics partnership to combat the cocaine trade and armed groups like FARC. Colombia has been generous in welcoming over 1.8 million Venezuelans fleeing the Maduro regime and providing assistance to its Latin American neighbors. As Colombia faces increased instability, the US must stand by its trusted ally and its democratically elected government under Iván Duque to ensure continued security and prosperity in Colombia and across the region.
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This monograph is a serious and well-researched investigation into crucial factors of contemporary warfare. Readers will learn lessons on the distinctions between the Law of Armed Conflict and criminal law, particularly on important issues like lethal force, escalation of force tactics, and security detention. Professor Paterson makes a strong argument that the stated policy of respect and promotion of human rights (HR) - that has long been a guiding principle of the US military - does not translate into specific and mandatory directives at the tactical and operational levels. Indeed, he asserts that at those levels there is no formal attention to HR, only ad hoc efforts by operational units that don’t receive guiding policy. This monograph will be essential reading for policymakers and those whose task is the development of granular precepts to guide implementation and execution of policy on the ground.
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The Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies host the third annual Latin American Security Forum titled, "Latin America in the World Order: Stepping Up." During the full-day event, subject matter experts from the US and Latin America will analyze current events and address the following issues: Regional and health security, great power competition within the region, and energy development.
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The Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies host the third annual Latin American Security Forum titled, "Latin America in the World Order: Stepping Up." During the full-day event, subject matter experts from the US and Latin America will analyze current events and address the following issues: Regional and health security, great power competition within the region, and energy development.
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The Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies host the third annual Latin American Security Forum titled, "Latin America in the World Order: Stepping Up." During the full-day event, subject matter experts from the US and Latin America will analyze current events and address the following issues: Regional and health security, great power competition within the region, and energy development.
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The Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies host the third annual Latin American Security Forum titled, "Latin America in the World Order: Stepping Up." During the full-day event, subject matter experts from the US and Latin America will analyze current events and address the following issues: Regional and health security, great power competition within the region, and energy development.
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