Individual Category: Dr. Linda Castro Gainza (MX) - Institutional Category: Center for Higher National Studies (PE)
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Individual Category: Dr. Marcos Pablo Moloeznick Gruer (MX) - Institutional Category: New Granada Military University (CO)
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Individual Category: Dr. Marcos Pablo Moloeznick Gruer (MX) - Institutional Category: New Granada Military University (CO)
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Technical Secretariat of the National Security Council (GT) and the Center for Defense Policy Studies (GT)
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AMB Luigi Einaudi (US)
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Individual Category: ADM Francisco Soberón Sanz (MEX) and Prof. Ivelaw Griffith (USA) - Institutional Category: N/A
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Individual Category: ADM Francisco Soberón Sanz (MEX) and Prof. Ivelaw Griffith (US) - Institutional Category: N/A

Note: Admiral Francisco Soberón Sanz's comments on this recording were not interpreted from Spanish into English

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