The Resource Allocation Model for Chilean Defense Investments: Regional Impacts and Comparisons

The current model of resource allocation for the acquisition of weapons systems in Chile is based on Law 13.196 on Copper Reserves (LRC) and its subsequent modifications, which respond to a specific historical context; the last records recorded in public documents were made in 1941 when the Superior Council of Defense (CONSUDENA) was created. Compared models of resource allocation for national defense have a solid organizational structure within the Executive Branch, which is coupled with a permanent link with the Legislative Branch. The characteristics of the acquisition cycles of weapon systems and their implementation times indicate that the associated resources cannot respond to circumstantial criteria and that, therefore, a multiannual resource acquisition model offers the necessary elements to achieve strategic planning for the acquisition of military material and equipment for the armed forces of the region.

File Type: pdf
Categories: SDSR
Author: Alejandro Arévalo Sarce
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