This chapter explores how a commitment to experiential learning, especially via study abroad and academic field studies, can unlock new forms of knowledge and help to expand learning and research opportunities for faculty and students alike. Authors engage the relevant literature and share insights gleaned from their own experiences in diverse teaching contexts, which include extended semester- and year-long study abroad programs, shorter-term academic field studies, and emergency adaptations amid a global pandemic environment. In each case, they highlight how respectful teacher-student interplay and shared critical reflection on the desired outcomes serve to enrich mutual learning and scholarship in areas linked to international relations.

Hamilton, M., Almeida, K. "Living Our Learning: Transformative Impacts of Study Abroad and Field Studies for Students and Faculty." In The Palgrave Handbook of Teaching and Research in Political Science, by Butcher, C., Bhasin, T., Gordon, E., Hallward, M.C. (eds.), 245-257. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

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The William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies and the George Washington University Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute hosted a joint online event honoring Richard Cavazos, the first four-star Army General of Hispanic heritage, for whom the third largest US military base was recently renamed. Perry Center Professor Dr. Arturo Sotomayor moderated a conversation with US Navy Admiral (ret.) Michelle Howard, chairwoman of the Renaming Commission and the first African-American woman to command a US Navy ship.

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Authors William Godnick and Iñaki Aguerreche assembled a thorough investigation and analysis on the occurrence of military interventions in the prison system in Latin America and the Caribbean. This insightful portrayal of the reality of prisons in many countries is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding this problem in the region.

This Occasional Paper is an english-language translation of Godnick’s and Aguerreche’s research which originally appeared in Fuerza pública en América Latina: Sus retos y buenas prácticas a la luz de la democracia y los derechos humanos (Public Forces in Latin America: Challenges and Good Practices in the Light of Democracy and Human Rights), published by the University of Guadalajara Press in 2022.

Perry Center Research Associate Chase Boone worked on the English translation.

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Sydney’s paper describes the current state of the international lithium market and of lithium mining projects in Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia. It also explores the environmental consequences of this activity and provides a forecast of lithium availability in the near future. This paper offers a clear perspective of the status of the supply and demand of this coveted mineral and what should be done to meet the sustainable development goals for lithium production.
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Latin American armed forces have a wide array of missions, from defense and security to humanitarian asistance/disaster relief (HA/DR), to United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKOs). However, there is one mission that has gained importance in recent years: environmental protection. The heightened risks of climate change have made governments in the Americas more aware of environmental protection and have assigned many Latin American militaries to the mission. This article examines the activities of the Peruvian armed forces to protect the environment of the Andean and Amazonian nation.
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This article focuses on the role of indigenous personnel in the Ecuadorian armed forces from a sociological perspective. Indigenous representatives of the armed forces is a unique feature of the Ecuadorian Army and perhaps a model for other Latin American and Caribbean nations who can benefit from the special skills and perspectives these individuals bring to the security environment, particularly in remote areas of Latin American countries that have a small presence of government representatives.
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The article addresses the tense border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana that has been submitted to the International Court of Justice for adjudication. Aside from the high stakes to be awarded to the recipient of an ICJ decision, the article also examines the process the two countries have accepted to resolve their dispute. It is an example of how LA/C nations defer to international conflict resolution institutions to resolve differences rather than resorting to armed force.
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This article provides highlights of the Perry Center's 2022 cyber policy course, “Cybersecurity Policy in the Americas: Challenges for Policy-Strategic Analysis,” led by Dr. Boris Saavedra.
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