A contemporary analysis of security and defense issues by WJPC alumni (three articles in total)
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A compiled list of publications authored in 2021 by WJPC alumni
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The invasion of Ukraine by Russia began on February 24 and has generated a conflict that many in the world thought was a thing of the past. It started more than ten years ago in the cyberespace. It could be a clear message to our region that today's criminal activities in our cyberspace could develop a conflict in physical domains. This article analyzes the aspects that could generate concern, challenges and opportunities for cybersecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, life as we knew it changed dramatically as activities, both licit and illicit, moved to the virtual world. We witnessed shopping, college classes, diplomatic meetings, financial transactions, and organized crime activities transition online almost overnight. The pandemic has empowered transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) to establish new virtual markets for their drug, human, arms, and contraband trafficking and money laundering with cryptocurrencies.
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The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies is hosting its fourth annual forum on the security challenges in Latin America. This year?s forum aims to address the thematic question, "Security, Defense, and Gender: What are the Impacts?"
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Current events warrant a review of US civil-military relations doctrine. This special commentary examines eight principles of military subordination to elected civilian officials and addresses the fundamental question at the heart of civil-military relations theory and practice, namely, what options, if any, does the military professional have when civilian leadership disregards military advice? Examples drawn from US history can provide an important framework for understanding the complex interrelational dynamics at play.
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The University of Armed Forces of Ecuador (ESPE) and the Perry Center join together for a virtual discussion on security and defense challenges in Latin America.
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