The article explores the US Marine Corps' (USMC) Force Design 2030 and its potential to enhance multinational joint defense capabilities in the Americas. It argues that traditional military strategies are inadequate for modern security challenges, such as transnational crime and irregular warfare. By promoting interoperability, standardized training, and shared platforms, the USMC seeks to strengthen collective defense across the region. The article highlights the growing importance of naval and maritime forces, examines geopolitical threats, and suggests that Latin American nations can benefit from adopting elements of the Force Design 2030 to enhance security and stability.

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Ecuador is in the midst of an intense security crisis, one that pits the government and its security forces against well-armed violent gangs. Former Ecuadorian Minister of Defense General Raul Jarrin examines the situation through an operational lens as well as the geopolitical scholarship on democracy, the role of the state, and the rule of law.

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This article examines organized crime in Ecuador as the main threat to national security that generates negative effects in the political, economic and social spheres. Ecuador is the main logistic corridor of drug trafficking in the Pacific Ocean coast and has witnessed the expansion of several criminal economies. The dollarized economy favors money laundering and corruption. The increase in illicit economies has expanded the power of criminal organizations, exacerbating violence and insecurity, making it essential to implement strict regulatory measures and foster interagency and international cooperation to successfully combat organized crime in Ecuador.
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Haiti is in a state of chaos. It is ravaged and controlled by vicious gangs caught in a turf war, that terrorize, abuse, and murder at whim. Ultimately, Haiti, on the brink of state failure, will not recover until its internal security crisis and lack of good, legitimate governance are remediated. The United States should pursue a multifaceted "engaged ally" approach to address the underlying security and socio-economic issues to lead to long-term, positive change in Haiti. This approach acknowledges the unique capacity of the United States and its allies to bring about change in Haiti while still prioritizing a Haitian-led solution.

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