The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies co-host a full-day forum on national and international efforts to address the opioid crisis and the role of transnational organized crime. Forum speakers will address policy and propose strategic initiatives to reduce transnational organized crime (TOC) from a national security threat to a manageable public safety problem in the United States and in strategic regions around the world.
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The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies co-host a full-day forum on national and international efforts to address the opioid crisis and the role of transnational organized crime. Forum speakers will address policy and propose strategic initiatives to reduce transnational organized crime (TOC) from a national security threat to a manageable public safety problem in the United States and in strategic regions around the world.
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Two of the greatest threats in the Northern Hemisphere are terrorism and drug trafficking. However, drug trafficking-related violence, cartel criminal diversification in national and transnational fronts, and terrorist-style displays of force are just the visible elements of a deeper, more complex social dynamics in the country. Drug trafficking, like international terrorism, is not a one-sided problem. It is a multi-level, multi-dimensional issue that must include different measures to effectively engage it. It is, by definition, a complex social phenomenon that does not hold definition. Mexico has its share of these problems. Among the major cartels operating in Mexico, the Zetas are the ones that have displayed a relatively high level of mobility, adaptability, and aggressiveness over the last few years. Other complicating factors are the transnational criminal organization development dynamics and adaptation to the environment. Consequently, military and law enforcement must constantly adapt to the new operating conditions they encounter as they regain control of public spaces in the country.
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The objective of this paper is to analyze, apply and then contrast the four theoretical pillars of terrorism to the war against narcoterrorism that the Mexican government has developed between 2007 and 2011. The central hypothesis proposes that there is no terrorism in Mexico, because the core elements that support this concept, such as political motivation, premeditation, attack on civilians and generalized terror, are not seen in reality.
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Terrorism has not ended in Peru, it has mutated, because remnants of the Shining Path, the terrorist organization that caused so much damage to the country, have become, according to the latest social studies, a gang at the service of drug trafficking, who still bleed the country of the Incas. Operating clandestinely, the fear that they still produce in places lacking the presence of the State (mostly entrenched in the rugged geography of the Peruvian jungle) is due to their use of guerrilla techniques and asymmetric combat to beat the forces of order and State institutions, which try to prevent their new modus operandi. During the previous government (2006-2010), they became aware of the threat to governance that terrorism represents, and for this reason they established strategic policies focused on the restructuring of the ways to face the serious problems that have been originating, giving priority to terrorist actions in the Apurimac and Ene river valleys, located in the southern part of the country, where the greatest violence is concentrated, adding to the purely military strategies others that allow the development of the area and the presence of the State, However, in practice, it left aside another area where there are still men who have taken up arms and who, hiding behind their socialist claims, protect the drug cartels in the upper Huallaga River basin. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective, concrete, quantifiable policies similar to those of the southern area in order to support the police and State institutions that counteract this threat in this part of the country, which is the final objective of this paper.
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