Dr. Patrick Paterson, Associate Dean for Research and Publications at the WJPC, has published a fascinating almanac that compiles the most historically significant events in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1800-2020, containing vignettes of more than 700 events organized per month and specific calendar day. It focuses on major political and security incidents starting from the period of independence—including armed conflicts, famous battles, births and deaths of important figures, military coups, significant presidential elections, and independence dates.

Also included are detailed appendices addressing important economic, political, and social conditions, as well as an index with over 2,000 keywords.

Paterson, Patrick. The Almanac of Latin American History, Political and Security Events from 1800 to the Present, Rowman & Littlefield, 2024.

Only available commercially

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The evolution of global geopolitics has its center of gravity constituted by the emerging digital technology of exponential acceleration, which is based on the control or power of information and communications. When making a prospective emphasis to analyze the influence of emerging digital technology, it is observed that it is a bearer of the future through artificial intelligence technology, 5G communications and quantum computing.

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The article addresses the tense border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana that has been submitted to the International Court of Justice for adjudication. Aside from the high stakes to be awarded to the recipient of an ICJ decision, the article also examines the process the two countries have accepted to resolve their dispute. It is an example of how LA/C nations defer to international conflict resolution institutions to resolve differences rather than resorting to armed force.
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The Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies - ANEPE) and the Perry Center join together to discuss the rapidly changing relationship between digital technology and geopolitics.
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Dr. Ivelaw Griffith returns to the 2021 Webinar Series to discuss "Conventional and Health Geopolitics in the Contemporary Caribbean" as addressed in his recent publication with the Perry Center. Dr. Griffith is a long-standing expert on Caribbean security, drugs, and crime and a recipient of the 2015 Dr. William J. Perry Award for Excellence in Security and Defense Education.
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