This article examines the threats and challenges of cybersecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean to include the protection of critical infrastructure in cyberspace and the implications for daily human interaction and survival. The article objective is to analyze politically and strategically critical infrastructures in Latin America and the Caribbean in light of generative AI, Meta Data Analytics and machine learning (ML). The report provides an analysis at a political and strategic level of the current technological environment characterized by the aforementioned accelerated exponential and convergent processes which have generated disruptive innovations. All this set of facts impacts humanity in general and critical infrastructures, a fundamental factor for life on the planet.

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This publication analyzes the role of China and Russia as strategic competitors of the United States, and how they have been expanding their influence in the Americas through instruments of national power such as diplomacy, information, and the economy. They are now involved in new domains including emerging technologies, cyberspace and outer space. These strategic competitors have been supporting autocratic regimes and threatening democracy, prosperity and security in the region.
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The evolution of global geopolitics has its center of gravity constituted by the emerging digital technology of exponential acceleration, which is based on the control or power of information and communications. When making a prospective emphasis to analyze the influence of emerging digital technology, it is observed that it is a bearer of the future through artificial intelligence technology, 5G communications and quantum computing.

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The Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies - ANEPE) and the Perry Center join together to discuss the rapidly changing relationship between digital technology and geopolitics.
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Critical infrastructure is essential to the efficient functioning of a country. As more systems are connected to the Internet, the threat of damaging cyber-attacks increases. For small island states, air and maritime transport naturally are critical tools for the development and operation of the country. How must Caribbean nations evolve to enhance infrastructure capacity and protect airports and ports while maintaining a proper balance between security and user privacy?
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The Pew Research Center defines the Internet of Things (IoT) as "a global immersive, invisible, ambient networked computing environment built through the continued proliferation of smart sensors, cameras, software, databases, and massive data centers in a world-spanning information fabric." In the age of converging accelerated technology and 5G communication systems, what are the strategic and policy level challenges and opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean?
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China's engagement with Latin America on satellites, space launch, and space technology is limited, but expanding rapidly, following the logic that China has followed in other strategically important sectors of incrementally building relationships, and leveraging initial opportunities to develop and prove capabilities. This article analyzes China's expanding relationship with Latin America in the arena in terms of four countries: (1) those with limited space capabilities not actively pursuing space programs, with whom the PRC has few space-related ties, (2) populist regimes such as Venezuela and Bolivia purchasing complete packages of PRC satellite systems and launch services, (3) other countries developing space capabilities, where China has sought to be a service provider or technology partner, including Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru, and (4) Brazil as an emerging regional power with a multidimensional space program, which has cooperated with the PRC in both satellite development and launch through the CBERS program. In general, by leveraging business opportunities with Brazil and populist regimes of the region, the PRC is gaining a foothold in the commercial satellite and launch services market, with Chinese equipment, personnel, and space systems becoming part of Latin America's infrastructure, with significant implications for the US and the region.
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