Defense Governance and Cyber Policy Development Courses Come to an End
DG/Cyber Combined Graduation photo
30 Sep 2019

On Friday, September 27th 2019 the William J Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies celebrated the graduation of 76 students representing 12 Western Hemisphere countries from its Defense Governance and Cyber Policy and Development courses. The participants spent the last two weeks in residency at the Perry Center following an intensive four week online work phase. During their time at the Perry Center, participants from both courses performed simulations, researched various topics relating to their courses and individual assignments, and grew their personal and professional networks. The courses were led by distinguished Perry Center faculty and featured presentations by notable interagency guest speakers. Defense Governance, directed by Professor Alejandro Alemán and facilitated by Dr. Alejandra Bolaños is designed to address the principles and characteristics of good governance in the defense and security sectors, while Cyber, Directed by Dr. Boris Saavedra and facilitated by Professor Celina Realuyo focuses on deepening participants’ understanding of the global cyber landscape from multiple perspectives.

DASD B. Edwin Wilson

DASD B. Edwin Wilson

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy, Mr. B. Edwin Wilson spoke to the graduates in his keynote address, remarking on the strategic importance of participants’ time at the Perry Center and of their hard work in completion of DG and CYBER. DASD Wilson emphasized shared security risks in the Western Hemisphere and the need to collaborate between nations to confront threats that transcend borders.