Perry Center and SAIS Partner on Fifth Annual Forum on Hemispheric Security

On March 9, the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies hosted the Fifth Annual Forum on Security Challenges in Latin America. The full-day hybrid event addressed contemporary and evolving threats, with a special focus on civil-military relations, the militarization of internal security, and cybersecurity.

Amb. Phillips-Spencer and LTC (ret.) Marckwardt share the stage

Anthony Phillips-Spencer – the Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to the United States, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, and Perry Center Alumnus – provided the keynote address, sharing his perspective on the effect of global geopolitics on hemispheric security. Also featured were Former Minister of Defense of Colombia Juan Carlos Pinzón and expert panelists from George Washington University, Equis Research, Florida International University, Center for Strategic International Studies, Brookings Institution, Ocean Conservancy, World Bank, and Center for American Progress.

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.