Perry Center Conducts Cybersecurity Seminar in Guatemala and Two Professors are Decorated by the Ministry of Defense
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07 Aug 2024

Professors Realuyo (left) and Saavedra (right) received the “White Nun” medal

The week of July 22, 2024 the Perry Center conducted a three-day cybersecurity seminar hosted by the Ministry of Defense for members of the executive branch, military, Congress and the private sector in Guatemala as the country designs and debates a new cybersecurity law. Perry Center Professors Boris Saavedra and Celina Realuyo, along with visiting professors Marc Asturias, Giancarlo Gomez and Luisa Parraguez addressed strategic planning and leadership development in the cyber domain, internet governance, regulating cyberspace, critical infrastructure protection, public-private partnerships and the abuse of cryptocurrencies and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

On July 25, 2024, the Guatemalan Ministry of Defense decorated Professors Celina Realuyo and Boris Saavedra with the “White Nun” Medal (Second Class) for their distinguished contributions in support of the Guatemalan Armed Forces and the Guatemalan people in defense and security matters during the last decade.