WJPC Professor Speaks at UCSD Center for US-Mexican Studies Webinar
Celina Realuyo UCSD Webinar
18 Oct 2021

On October 15, Professor Celina Realuyo from the Perry Center participated in the University of California, San Diego Center for US-Mexican Studies webinar titled “Different Name, Same Path? What to Expect of the US-Mexico High Level Security Dialogue” along with fellow panelists, Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings Institution Director Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors, Cecilia Farfan Mendez, USMEX Head of Security Research Programs and Rafael Fernandez de Castro, USMEX Director. They discussed how the new US-Mexico Bicentennial Framework for Security, Public Heath, and Safe Communities signed on October 8, 2021 compares to the Merida and Beyond Merida Initiatives and discussed prospects of how the US and Mexico will protect citizens’ health and safety, promote the development of the most vulnerable communities, prevent criminal organizations from harming our countries, and pursue and bring criminals to justice.

Event Recording (English)