This article presents a reflective description of Bolivia’s participation in the UN-sponsored peacekeeping operations in the Republic of Haiti, in which several Latin American countries are participating. It points out the motives that led the Bolivian government to participate in the operations, and the decisions taken in the various areas of the Executive Branch, National Congress, and National Police Command to send a contingent of police agents to perform advisory and patrol tasks and provide training for Haitian police forces. It also shows the objectives of the participation, both for the Bolivian government and for the police and chiefs and officers that were at the scene of the intervention. In addition, it discusses the possibilities of effectiveness of combined forces in joint peacekeeping tasks and how those experiences can create a regional capability for facing outbreaks of armed confrontations in a timely and effective manner.
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The article centers on the factors that influenced Peru’s decision to participate in the peacekeeping operations in Haiti, as well as the difficulties it had to face in order to implement that decision. Perhaps the most important influencing factor was the reinsertion of the Peruvian Armed Force in the Western military community after years of struggling against Sendero Luminoso, which had led to serious human rights violations. Other important factors were the aim of achieving prestige and a presence on the international stage, the economic advantages to be gained for the troops, the training benefits, and lastly collaboration with the United States in a mission that was of interest to that country.
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This paper aims at making a preliminary analysis of Argentina’s participation in the current United Nations mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), stressing the lessons observed to date, in order to state recommendations and parameters for policy-makers that help to strengthen the capabilities both of Argentina and of the region for participation in peacekeeping operations within the context of Hemisphere cooperation. The work includes an analysis of the effectiveness of combined forces and basic requirements to be considered in order to strengthen regional cooperation at the strategic and operational levels in order to face the challenges this type of activity now presents.
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The isolation of the Falklands-Malvinas from the American continent is a strange and awkward contradiction within the new paradigms of globalization. Moreover, the liberal civil rights enjoyed by the inhabitants of the Falklands-Malvinas Islands clashes with their legal framework of discrimination applied to outsiders, and both factors can only result in a resurgence of tension and an increase in the cost of the conflict. The goal of this presentation is to encourage a change in attitude by the parties involved in the dispute, through an analysis of the historical decision-making process and the opportunities associated with the controversy. However, a change in attitude alone is not enough for an effective solution to this territorial dispute. It requires an Argentina with reliable institutions in parallel with the United Kingdom’s political will. Finally, there are some valuable lessons we can learn from the narrative. Perhaps an early attempt to craft a solution to this dispute might be possible by taking into account the Henry Kissinger’s words of wisdom, when he stated that "a successful negotiation happens when both sides lose something."
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Departing from a series of concepts referred to as "the bankruptcy of the States", a perspective taken from Frenchman Philippe Delmas (1992), the author confronts the concepts of lawless areas and empty spaces, stating that they obey two different models of States, that is, unsuccessful States and weak States. Examining the bibliography, Garay discusses the autonomy of the weak states/empty spaces relationship from the unsuccessful states/ lawless areas pair, then applies them to the analysis of Latin America. Under the author’s supposition, the austral zones of Chile and Argentina can be analyzed using the weak states/empty spaces concept rather than the concept of unsuccessful states/lawless areas. An empirical examination permits us to postulate that empty spaces are conflicted spaces for human presence, which weakens the presence of the state, and given that the resources of the aforementioned states are scarce, that which is produced is a presence that is weakened from the police system, but not by the absence of law, which is why it would not be pertinent to extend this typology to the Southern Cone, as is normally done when analyzing the Tri-Border area.
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The article was written by one of the individuals directly involved in drawing up the 1995 Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central America and in its enforcement, who was a main player in the historic circumstances that led to this treaty. The article is primarily intended to show the contribution made by this ambitious instrument to the new multidimensional model of hemispheric security that the Organization of American States (OAS) has been developing and which was successfully expressed in the OAS Special Conference on Security, held in Mexico City, Mexico on October 27-28, 2003, where this contribution made by Central America was widely recognized.
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The paper reviews the challenges of achieving a hemispheric-level consensus regarding security and defense. The authors detect two main difficulties: (a) the importance awarded by the different countries to their national security as a priority, and (b) the preeminence of the global security designs. In 2002 and 2003, the OAS discussed the notion of "Hemispheric Security." The 34 countries forming the organization drafted the "Declaration of Security in the Americas" as a result of Mexico's conference on October 27-28, 2003. Two notions of security were discussed during the negotiations: one of them mostly related to social, economic and governability problems, supported by many Caribbean and Latin American governments, called "multidimensional security;" and the other notion confined to issues such a cooperation against terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime and the so-called "emerging threats," supported mainly by the United States. In addition, countries such as Canada have developed notions such as "human security." These problems result in a complex security and defense agenda, or a North-South agenda: the North worried about the new threats led by terrorism and the South concerned about development problems. Finally, the article reviews Mexico's contradictory position, trying to state its foreign policy principles in the hemispheric security debate, while being part of North America, and therefore, a neighbor of the United States.
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