The interference of external antagonistic groups can destabilize and weaken States, while their operational networks are strengthened. Several factors facilitate the interference of actors such as China, Russia and Iran in Latin America. Facing these risks, some countries in the region, security institutions, and national and international organizations are collaborating to fight this external antagonism. Karina Perez’s paper proposes the idea of combating these threats by inhibiting the influence of external actors, analyzing the key factors that have favored their influence in Latin America, and how their presence has been linked to various transnational threats.

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Dialogues with the Perry Center, Season 2, Episode 2: In this episode, Dr. Luis Bitencourt discusses cybersecurity with Perry Center Professor Dr. Boris Saavedra. Dr. Saavedra explains the various dimensions of cyber threats and recommends measures to confront threats without limiting cyber benefits. He also highlights Perry Center programming that aims to bolster cybersecurity in the Western Hemisphere.

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This document was created for the celebration of Perry Center AlumniDay, and its purpose is to share some of the bibliographic contributions published in 2023 by its graduates in various formats and modalities. They contribute to reflect, debate and research security and defense issues, evidencing the impact generated by the Perry Center within the framework of these issues at the national and regional level.

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This publication analyzes the role of China and Russia as strategic competitors of the United States, and how they have been expanding their influence in the Americas through instruments of national power such as diplomacy, information, and the economy. They are now involved in new domains including emerging technologies, cyberspace and outer space. These strategic competitors have been supporting autocratic regimes and threatening democracy, prosperity and security in the region.
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Diálogos con el Centro Perry, Season 2, Episode 1: In this episode, Dr. Luis Bitencourt discusses climate change with Perry Center Associate Dean for Research and Publications Dr. Patrick Paterson. This conversation addresses climate change from a global security and defense perspective and includes related Perry Center academic programming.

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The evolution of global geopolitics has its center of gravity constituted by the emerging digital technology of exponential acceleration, which is based on the control or power of information and communications. When making a prospective emphasis to analyze the influence of emerging digital technology, it is observed that it is a bearer of the future through artificial intelligence technology, 5G communications and quantum computing.

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Realuyo, Celina B. "The Foreign Policy of Iván Duque's Government" in The Journal of Colombian Foreign Policy: Assessment of Iván Duque's Foreign Policy and Horizons for the Petro Government. Edited by Andrés Molano-Rojas and Federmán Antonio Rodríguez Morales. 51-72. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2023.

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The outdated capabilities of the armed forces of many Latin American countries, as well as divided loyalties to their preferred security partners (think China and the United States), force them to be prepared for future scenarios. The author presents the strategic foresight initiatives that the United States and Australia have designed to address their own scenarios of future defense needs, and details the relevance and applicability they may have for different scenarios in other countries in the hemisphere. Dr. Godnick offers an analysis of these foresight tools as an instrument for assessing and improving the region's security and defense in the coming years.
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