Victoria assumed office as Vice President of the Argentine Republic.
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Carla Alvarez, researcher and specialized professor in security issues, was interviewed by BBC News Mundo for a story about Ecuador.
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María Laura Fernández Pinola (Argentina), Juan Carlos Garcia Islas (Mexico), and Walter Insaurralde (Paraguay) coordinated an international seminar at the Argentine Air Force titled “The Future Conflict Scenario: Regional Cooperation in the Face of the Space Threat.”
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The Argentine Alumni Chapter co-organized an international seminar with Accenture Argentina: “Strategic Security and Defense Challenges in America 2024” on December 6 2023.
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In June 2023, Maximiliano participated in an international specialization, Cybersecurity Summer Bootcamp – FCS training course, organized by the University of León, Spain
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McCarta completed his doctorate at the Walden University, Doctor of Philosophy – PhD Criminal Justice
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Galo was a guest lecturer at the Inter-American Defense College, Washington D.C., in the “Strategic Thinking for Hemispheric Defense and Security” class, of the Master of Science in Inter-American Defense and Security program, September 22, 2023
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He works as a visiting professor at Tamkang University in Taipei City – Taiwan, specifically at the College International Studies attached to the Department of Global Politics and Economics
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María Araceli De Haas Matamoros is a graduate of the Defense Strategy and Policy course at the William J. Perry Center in 2021. She was named the first woman to assume the position of Director-General of Special Affairs (National Security) of the Secretariat of Foreign 
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The Semanario Universidad, a media outlet of the University of Costa Rica published its article “Security, a comprehensive issue and social peace.”
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