Perry Center and UNDEF Host Defense Governance Amid Complex Threats Course in Buenos Aires
20250314 - undef
13 Mar 2025

Course Co-Director Dr. Luis Bitencourt

From March 5-13, 2025, the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, in partnership with the Argentinian National Defense University (UNDEF), hosted the Defense Governance Amid Complex Threats (GDAC) course in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The two-week course, which addressed the needs and concerns of partner nation security and defense professionals, combined virtual and in-person activities to strengthen defense institutions’ ability to manage complex threats within a democratic framework. Co-directed by WJPC’s Dr. Luis Bitencourt and UNDEF’s Dr. Gonzalo Salimena, the course was also supported by Dr. Ariel Levaggi from the Argentine Center for International Studies, and Perry Center professors Dr. Boris Saavedra and Celina Realuyo, amongst others. Bringing together subject matter experts and participants, this course further reinforced a shared commitment to advancing regional security.

The expert-led discussions, case studies, and interactive exercises addressed the taxonomy of threats, strategic planning methodologies, and the role of leadership in security and defense. The course, designed to strengthen participants’ ability to assess emerging security challenges, also provided analytical tools for defense planning and enhanced operational readiness, especially in relation to approaches to combatting transnational, hybrid, and asymmetric threats.

Dr. Angelo offering remarks to the course participants

“In the past few weeks, you have analyzed emerging threats—from artificial intelligence to maritime security—and the importance of leadership, transparency, and integrity in defense management,” said Perry Center Director Dr. Paul J. Angelo, who addressed participants virtually. “The success of our efforts depends on sustained cooperation between nations that understand that stability is not imposed—it is built together.” Dr. Angelo also thanked the Perry Center professors, staff, and facilitators for their dedicated efforts in making the course a success.

Dr. Boris Saavedra

This initiative underscores the Perry Center’s and UNDEF’s steadfast commitment to forging strategic advantage through professional civil-military education and regional collaboration. It reflects one of the many successful partnerships between the Perry Center and Argentina. In just the past year, Perry Center activities with key Argentinian institutions has included academic exchanges with military academies and colleges, a maritime cyber crisis response simulation, seminars about cyber governance and transnational organized crime in the tri-border region around Puerto Iguazú, and a citizen security workshop with the Ministry of Security in Córdoba province. In October, the Perry Center also moderated one of two plenary sessions at the XVI Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas in Mendoza, Argentina.

Since its founding in 2014, UNDEF has trained over 12,000 students from across Argentina, preparing the next generation of defense professionals for the challenges of today and tomorrow. By balancing tradition with modern strategy, UNDEF continues to equip leaders with the expertise needed to address an evolving security ecosystem.