Perry Center Assists Honduras with Human Rights Policy Development

SOUTHCOM Human Rights Initiative in Honduras - Group Photo

From Jan 28 to Feb 01 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the Perry Center assisted in the development of a human rights policy for the Honduras Armed Forces and Office of the Minister of Defense. Perry Center Professor Pat Paterson was one of a number of subject matter experts recruited by the US Southern Command to help write the policy. Other working groups helped develop (1) operational law doctrine and (2) training and education doctrine for the Honduran armed forces.  The human rights initiative in Honduras had significant support from senior military and civilian leaders. The Minister of Defense, General (ret.) Fredy Santiago Díaz (a 2017 graduate of the Managing Security and Defense course) and the Chief of Defense, General René Ponce Fonseca, attended the opening and closing ceremonies as did the chiefs of each of the Armed Services and the Military Police.

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