Perry Center Professor Speaks at Brazilian Human Trafficking Seminar

Trafficking in Persons Seminar

On July 15, 2021, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo spoke on “Leveraging Financial Intelligence to Combat Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking” at a virtual Brazilian seminar on “Trafficking in Persons, Vulnerabilities and Violation of Rights: Who are the Victims?” hosted by the Technical Chamber for Combating Human Trafficking in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil (Câmara Técnica de Enfrentamento no Tráfico de Pessoas de Foz do Iguaçu (CTETP/Foz) and Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social de Fronteiras (IDESF). The two-day virtual seminar that analyzed the dynamics of human trafficking and policies to combat it included Brazilian National Secretary of Justice Cláudio Panoeiro, Ministry of Labor Attorney General Fabrício Gonçalves de Oliveiraas, Brazilian Consul in Uruguay Ana Beltrame, US Diplomatic Security Special Agent at US Consulate São Paulo Matthew Nau, Head of the Policía Rodoviaria Federal Human Rights Unit João Gabriel Dadalt and Project Rescue Secretary Marco Aurélio Sousa as speakers.

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