Perry Center Professors Speak at Mexico’s CESNAV Hemispheric Security Seminar
CESNAV Hemispheric Security Seminar
09 Jul 2021

On July 7- 9, 2021, the Perry Center participated in Mexico’s Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (CESNAV) Hemispheric Security Seminar titled “Strategic Foresight as an Instrument for Anticipating and Building Futures for National Security” that convened more than 300 in-person and virtual participants from the Mexican, Latin American and US military, security, academic and private sectors. Dr. Boris Saavedra spoke on “Analysis of Trends and Predictions in Cyberspace towards 2030 in Latin America.” Dr. William Godnick discussed “Defense and National Security Foresight Tools of the United States and Australia, for their Applicability to the Latin American Context,” and Professor Celina Realuyo addressed “The New World Order and Illegal Networks in the Post-Pandemic Era.” The three-day seminar was organized by and included several WJPC alumni from Mexico and other Latin America countries as speakers and will culminate in a published proceedings that will be available later this year.