Perry Center Professors Contribute to AEI Report

Kingpins and Corruption Cover

Perry Center Professors Celina Realuyo and Boris Saavedra contributed to the report, Kingpins and Corruption: Targeting Transnational Organized Crime in the Americas written by the AEI Working Group on Transnational Organized Crime and published on June 26, 2017.

Key Points of the Report

  • Transnational organized crime resides at the heart of nearly every major threat confronting the Americas today. These organizations systematically degrade democratic institutions and the rule of law, stunting economic growth and stifling legitimate commerce and investment.
  • The threat of transnational organized crime in the Americas requires greater focus and investment from policymakers to effectively combat illicit trafficking networks, corrupt government officials, gang activity and violence, and the growing presence of hostile extra-regional actors such as Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah.
  • The US government should engage with regional allies to restore the hemispheric coalition against transnational organized crime. The Trump administration can lead the way by applying asymmetrical policy tools such as targeted sanctions while also working to enhance enforcement capabilities, promote economic development, and develop counterterrorism legal frameworks in neighboring states

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