Perry Center Supports USSOUTHCOM Human Rights Initiative in Guatemala
30 Aug 2022

The William J. Perry Center supported a 3-day conference in Guatemala City that examined international humanitarian law, human rights, and the role of women in security institutions. From 23-25 August, Perry Center Professor Dr. William Godnick participated in the US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) Human Rights Initiative (HRI) Conference with the Guatemalan Ministry of Defense, part of a series of bilateral conferences that the United States conducts with partner nations.

Approximately 25 senior officers from the Guatemalan military attended the discussion. Most of them were senior commanding officers from the Army and Navy. Conference facilitators and speakers from the Dominican Republic and Honduras also shared their perspectives.

Guatemalan Vice-Minister of Defense for Policy Carlos Norman, a Perry Center alumnus, provided opening remarks followed by the representative of the US Embassy in Guatemala Ms. Magda Muslic-Kovar.

Dr. Godnick spoke about the Russia-Ukraine conflict as well as human rights and prisons. Dr. Paul Angelo, the Perry Center Director, shared remarks on the third day of the activity during the civil-military dialogue roundtable.