To mark the event organized by the CEDEYAC to commemorate the 10th anniversary of its creation, the CHDS Director Dr. Richard Downie and professors Pat Paterson and Manuel Lora participated in academic activities prepared for this occasion. Dr. Richard Downie acknowledged the initiative of the founders of the CEDEYAC that turned an original idea into a reality: to open a space so that reflections on defense issues could arrive to non-military sectors of society in Peru. Similarly, the Director of CHDS congratulated those who are now in charge of management and leadership as well as the institutional support provided by the Navy of Peru over 10 years and the Military Advisory and Assistance Group of the United States Embassy in Peru.
The event was inaugurated by the Deputy Minister for Defense Policy of Peru, Pablo Aranibar, who saluted the CEDEYAC for their achievements over the last ten years. During the opening ceremony, Admiral (ret.) Juan Rodriguez Kelly outlined these first 10 years stating that the course aims to increase the active participation of Peruvian citizens in issues related to National Security and Defense through the identification of the political responsibilities related to the sector, understanding the important role that falls to the citizens in decision-making and comprehension of the institutional role that corresponds to the defense sector under the rule of law. Admiral Rodriguez also expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the CEDEYAC has a total of 730 graduates between Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Congressman, General Commanders of the armed forces and police, leading academicians and distinguished professionals from different institutions of the State and of the Private Sector.