On September 29, the Perry Center hosted a workshop on the themes of the Eleventh Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas (XI CDMA). The XI CDMA will take place later this year in Arequipa, Peru, and will convene the defense ministers and policymakers of many Western Hemisphere countries. Perry Center Director Mark Wilkins kicked off Monday’s workshop with opening remarks. H.E. Juan Federico Jiménez Mayor, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Peru to the OAS, gave an introductory presentation, and Perry Center Visiting Professor Walter Earle presented on the history of the CDMA. COL (ret.) Jay Cope, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Center for Strategic Research at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (NDU), provided an overview of three CDMA themes: the coordination of specialized conferences of Hemispheric armed services with CDMA; cooperation in search and rescue capacities; and cooperation at the military health level. Perry Center Dean of Academics Luis Bitencourt provided an overview of two additional CDMA themes: environmental protection and defense, and the exchange of experience on the participation and effectiveness of the armed forces in security tasks in the region and the Hemisphere. Attendees of the workshop discussed each theme in turn, and the Perry Center environment of academic non-attribution fostered an open and fruitful dialogue.