On August 14, a delegation of 16 students who are enrolled in Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) Maneuver Captains Career Course (M-CCC) visited the Perry Center for an academic exchange. LTG (ret.) Frederick S. Rudesheim, USA, Director of the Perry Center, greeted the visitors alongside Dr. Scott Tollefson, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Boris Saavedra, Associate Professor, and Dr. María Teresa Belandria, Fulbright Fellow. Dr. Saavedra provided an organizational briefing of the mission and history of the Perry Center prior to addressing cybersecurity in the Americas. While Dr. Belandria presented on the migration crisis in Venezuela.
During their trip to Washington, the WHINSEC delegation will be visiting various DC landmarks such as the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, Fort Myer, and the Holocaust museum.