He works as a visiting professor at Tamkang University in Taipei City – Taiwan, specifically at the College International Studies attached to the Department of Global Politics and Economics
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María Araceli De Haas Matamoros is a graduate of the Defense Strategy and Policy course at the William J. Perry Center in 2021. She was named the first woman to assume the position of Director-General of Special Affairs (National Security) of the Secretariat of Foreign 
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The Semanario Universidad, a media outlet of the University of Costa Rica published its article “Security, a comprehensive issue and social peace.”
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Jaime assumed duties as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Uruguay in Guatemala, from where he is concurrent ambassador in Belize, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
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Juan, United Nations Spotlight Initiative regional programe expert, participated as a speaker in the conference “Criminalization of domestic violence on agenda of Central Asian countries”
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Carolina has been named Deputy Academic Director at ANEPE, the first female to hold that position
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During the week of November 6, the Perry Center traveled to Santiago Chile to conduct a series of outreach activities including a 3-day cybersecurity seminar “Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure” co-sponsored and organized with the Chilean Undersecretary of Defense. Invited participants from the military, Carabineros 
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On Tuesday, November 7, the first meeting of alumni of the Perry Center in Costa Rica was held. This group of graduates from different courses met with the purpose of creating a network of professionals, sharing technical criteria and promoting academic spaces for exchange. During 
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Rafael defended his doctoral thesis on March 30 at the University of Barcelona. He obtained the degree of doctor in Law and Political Science. His line of research: Political Science, and the thesis is titled: “The Military Administration in El Salvador: 1992-2022”
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Colonel Roger Carter was appointed Commander Officer of the Cayman Islands Regiment.
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