On August 6, 2019, Dr. Fabiana Perera delivered a lecture on human rights and women’s rights to students at the Inter-American Air Forces Academy (IAAFA). Delivering the lecture via video teleconference, Dr. Perera was able to engage the students beyond a simple questions and answers 
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On July 30 – 31, 2019 Perry Center professors William Godnick, Patrick Paterson and Juan Carlos Gomez engaged with 30 Argentine counterparts convened by the Ministry of Defense’s Directorate for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law on issues related to human rights in the defense 
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On Wednesday July 17, 2019 the Perry Center participated in the academic event “Hemispheric Security Trends and Cyberdefense” hosted by the Argentine Joint Military War College (ESGC by its Spanish acronym) in Buenos Aires. ESGC Director COL Gabriel Camilli welcomed nearly 170 participants comprised of 
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From July 9-12, 2019 the Perry Center visited Chile to participate in academic exchanges with institutional counterparts and the wider alumni community. Professors Celina Realuyo and Boris Saavedra along with Kara O’Ryan from the Alumni and Educational Outreach office visited the National Academy of Political 
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The Perry Center and the Argentine Ministry of Security co-sponsored the two-day seminar “Countering Transnational Threats in the Americas” for over 80 participants in Buenos Aires from July 15-16, 2019. Seminar sessions addressed narcotics trafficking, border security, the convergence of terrorism and crime, countering terrorist 
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The William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies welcomed a group of visitors from the Inter-American Air Forces Academy on July 18, 2019. The students were greeted by Dr. Scott Tollefson, Dean of Academic Affairs. Dr. Fabiana Perera delivered a lecture on extra-hemispheric actors 
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Dr. David Spencer and Dr. Fabiana Perera participated in a seminar on the impact of new technologies for defense and security hosted by ANEPE on June 20, 2019. Dr. Spencer presented on the impact of these technologies on counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations. Dr. Perera presented 
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Welcoming a group of students from the Air War College on July 3, Dr. Fabiana Perera, Assistant Professor at the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, delivered a lecture to the group on Security Challenges Facing the Western Hemisphere. Professors from the Africa 
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The Brazilian Superior War College (ESG) and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (WJPC) of the United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions on June 14, in Rio de Janeiro. The document will serve to further develop academic, 
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A Perry Center team comprised of Celina Realuyo, Boris Saavedra and Kara O’Ryan participated in the three-day Countering Transnational Threats seminar co-sponsored and hosted by the Naval War College (Escola de Guerra Naval – EGN), Army School of Command and General Staff (Escola de Comando 
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