On May 5 Perry Center Director Paul J. Angelo and Professor Celina Realuyo welcomed a delegation from Mexico’s Center for Advanced Naval Studies (CESNAV) led by Rear Admiral Tayatzin Guerrero Mendoza, Director of the Naval War College. They discussed what the US-Mexico Bicentennial Framework for 
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On Monday, May 8, the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies launched the resident phase of its inaugural climate change course, “Climate Change and Implications for Defense and Security (CCIDS).” Forty-three participants from 21 countries in the Americas and Africa will participate in 
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On May 4, 2023 Perry Center professor Dr. Bill Godnick shared a presentation with a group of 15 professionals from 11 countries visiting the United States under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) and arranged by the Institute of 
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On April 25, 2023, Professor Celina Realuyo briefed the full meeting of the Inter-American Defense Board on the fentanyl crisis in the US and the emerging threat from synthetic drugs in the Western Hemisphere. She described how synthetic drugs are more addictive, easier to produce 
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Military and civilian personnel from 14 Latin American and Caribbean partner nations gathered at the workshop “Strategic and Political Implications of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace, and Security,” in Washington, DC, April 12, 2023. The workshop was organized by the William 
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On April 17, the Perry Center launched its 2023 resident course program with two courses: “Strategic Implications of Human Rights and the Rule of Law” (HR/ROL) and “Countering Transnational Threat Networks” (CTTN). In total, 92 participants representing 16 partner nations were welcomed. US Ambassador to 
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On April 11, Perry Center Professor of Practice William Godnick spoke to a group of 32 visiting students from the Chilean Air War College during their visit to the Inter American Defense College at Fort McNair. Dr. Godnick gave a briefing on the Perry Center 
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From 20 – 31 March, the Center carried out a mobile Strategy and Defense Policy course (SDPm) in Honduras in cooperation with the National Defense School (CDN). Led by Perry Center professor Dr. David Spencer, this course took place at the Honduran Defense University (UDH). 
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On April 12, the Perry Center convened 63 participants for its second workshop on “Strategic and Political Implications of UNSCR 1325: Women, Peace, and Security (WPS).” Offered in partnership with US Southern Command, the focus of the three-day forum is on designing policies that maximize 
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On April 5 the Perry Center welcomed Commander of the Colombian Navy Admiral Francisco Hernando Cubides Granados for a visit and orientation briefing. President of National Defense University Lieutenant General Michael Plehn joined Perry Center Director Dr. Paul Angelo and professors Dr. William Godnick and 
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