This monograph is a serious and well-researched investigation into crucial factors of contemporary warfare. Readers will learn lessons on the distinctions between the Law of Armed Conflict and criminal law, particularly on important issues like lethal force, escalation of force tactics, and security detention. Professor Paterson makes a strong argument that the stated policy of respect and promotion of human rights (HR) - that has long been a guiding principle of the US military - does not translate into specific and mandatory directives at the tactical and operational levels. Indeed, he asserts that at those levels there is no formal attention to HR, only ad hoc efforts by operational units that don’t receive guiding policy. This monograph will be essential reading for policymakers and those whose task is the development of granular precepts to guide implementation and execution of policy on the ground.
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In order to provide clarity of the theoretical framework of the concepts used in this essay we will conceptualize the rule of law based on The Origins of Political Order (Fukuyama, 2011), i.e., as an abstract body of rules of justice based on values and not on legislation as the exercise of the function of political power. However, the use of the combination of the civil system and common law in cyberspace in the European Union has allowed a better performance of the legal framework for the control and enforcement of the rule of law.
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Based on fieldwork in Colombia's regions, this study provides a history of the conflict, compares it to other case studies, examines the war from the perspectives of the government and the guerillas, delves into the development of special Colombian capabilities (notably in intelligence and the use of air power and special forces), and explains the economic dimension in terms both of historical exclusion and ongoing attempts at growth and inclusion. Finally, it concludes with an assessment of the country's prospects: can the combination of improved security, a flourishing economy and the peace process offer an opportunity to finally translate Colombia from, in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's words, "a great perhaps" into something more permanent?

Davis, Dickie, David Kilcullen, Greg Mills, and David Spencer. A Great Perhaps? London: Hurst & Company. 2015

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