On May 14, General Humberto Oviedo Arriagada, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army since November 2013, visited the Perry Center for the first time to participate in a roundtable discussion and lunch with several members of the Center’s faculty and staff. He was in the United States to be inducted into the Army War College’s International Hall of Fame in Carlisle, PA, and also traveled to Washington, DC, to visit National Defense University and the Perry Center. General Oviedo met with NDU President Major General Gregg Martin, who was his classmate at the Army War College, prior to his meeting at the Perry Center.
The general’s delegation included Lieutenant General Luis Farias, Chilean Defense Attaché; Coronel Andres Silva, Chilean Assistant Defense Attaché; Colonel Robert Barker, US Army Attaché in Chile; and Lieutenant Colonel Javier Abarzua, General Oviedo’s Aide. The Perry Center participants in the roundtable discussion were Acting Director Ken LaPlante; Dean of Students, Administration, and Outreach John Thompson; Associate Academic Dean Scott Tollefson; Professor of Practice Pedro de la Fuente; and Operations Chief Michael Borders. INSS Senior Research Fellow Jay Cope and Perry Center Professor Carlos Ospina joined the group at the luncheon.