On October 3, the Perry Center hosted 48 members from the Honduran National Defense College (Colegio de Defensa Nacional – CDN), led by Brigadier General Mario Bueso Caballero and Infantry Colonel Jose Mejia Medina. The delegation was welcomed by Perry Center Director Paul Angelo, Deputy 
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On September 26, the Perry Center hosted a delegation of 62 students from the Colombian National War College (Escuela Superior de Guerra – ESDEG), led by Brigadier General Edgar Alexander Salamanca Rodriguez. The students from the Advanced Military Studies Course (Curso de Altos Estudios Militares 
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On September 27, the Perry Center received a Chilean delegation led by General Ricardo Yañez, Director General the Chilean Carabineros. The delegation was welcomed by Perry Center Director Paul J. Angelo before meeting with Deputy Director Ruben Lopez and members of Perry Center faculty and 
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Authors William Godnick and Iñaki Aguerreche assembled a thorough investigation and analysis on the occurrence of military interventions in the prison system in Latin America and the Caribbean. This insightful portrayal of the reality of prisons in many countries is a must-read for anyone interested 
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The Perry Center, at the invitation of the Guatemalan Army’s Higher Education Command (COSEDE – Comando Superior de Educación), participated as observers in the XXIV Conference of the Iberoamerican Defense Colleges Association, which took place between August 29 and September 1, 2023 in Guatemala City. 
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On September 14, the Perry Center hosted 22 members of the Colombian National Police. The delegation was led by Colonels Richard Fajardo Ayala and Sandra Patricia Lopez Luna – a Perry Center alumna. The group was welcomed by Perry Center Director Paul Angelo, faculty members, 
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On September 13, National Defense University and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies were honored to host the President of Guyana, His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, for an address to students. President Ali – an alumnus of the Perry Center – 
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Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo participated virtually in the North American National and Regional Security Follow-Up Seminar titled “The Strategic Future between Mexico and the United States,” organized by the University of the Americas Puebla (UDLAP) in Mexico City on September 8-9, 2023 with 138 
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On September 11, the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies launched the residential phase of both its 2023 Defense Governance and 2023 Strategy and Defense Policy courses, welcoming more than 90 participants from 12 countries to National Defense University. “The relevance and urgency 
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The William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies joined regional security leaders in Colombia, August 22-24, for the 2023 South American Defense Conference (SOUTHDEC). General Helder Fernan Giraldo Bonilla, Commanding General of the Colombian Armed Forces, and General Laura Richardson, Commander of United States 
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