On May 21, 2015, Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo appeared before the US House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, Task Force to Investigate Terrorist Financing, to testify as a subject matter expert on terrorist financing and the convergence of illicit networks. The hearing, titled 
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The Perry Center wraps up its Spring 2015 specialized courses after two weeks of intense academic discussion. The two courses, Combatting Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks in the Americas (CTOC) and Strategic Implications of Human Rights and the Rule of Law (HR/ROL) began on 
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Congratulations to David Granger who has been elected as Guyana’s eighth Executive President. Mr. Granger is a graduate of the 2000 Defense Planning and Resource Management course at the Perry Center. In the years since, he has lent his extensive experience to Perry Center programs 
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On May 19, our alumnus, retired Brigadier General Augusto Alvarez from Peru guest lectured to our 2015 Combating Transnational Organized Crime specialized course via videoconference on Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) as a case of the convergence of terrorism and crime in Peru. Having studied convergence 
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As part of the education program, the student participants of the Strategic Implications of Human Rights and Rule of Law course visited the Organization of American States and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Students received a presentation about the Commission’s processes and then toured the 
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From May 8-9, 2015, the Perry Center’s Deputy Director Dr. Luis Bitencourt taught for the Doctorate Program of the Mexican Center for Avanced Naval Studies, in Mexico City. The 10-hour program included lectures and discussions for 5 Mexican general officers and evolved around the topic 
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Two specialized courses, Strategic Implications of Human Rights and Rule of Law (HR/ROL), and Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks in the Americas (CTOC), started at the Perry Center. Following a rigorous online phase, nearly 75 participants from 18 countries arrived in Washington DC 
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From April 27 – May 8, 2015, the Perry Center supported the “Seminar on Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction and Illicit Trafficking across Regions,” organized by the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center, and supported as well by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and 
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The Perry Center was honored to receive an official visit the of National Defense College (CDN) and the Center for Naval Studies of Mexico (CESNAV), which for the second year made ​​a joint visit to the Perry Center. CDN’s delegation was headed by its Director, 
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Student participants of two specialized courses, Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks in the Americas (CTOC) and Strategic Implications of Human Rights and Rule of Law (HR/ROL), began the distance learning phases of their courses. The nearly 80 students represent 16 countries in Latin 
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