From April 22 to May 3, the William J. Perry Center is hosting the international extension phase of the Mexican Navy Superior Studies Center (CESNAV) National Security PhD program. The CESNAV PhD is a highly competitive program open to senior Mexican military officers and civilians from their interagency. Graduates often go on to occupy important leadership positions. For example, General Luis Rodríguez Bucio, a graduate, was just appointed the head of the newly established Mexican National Guard. Linda Gainza, a CESNAV PhD graduate and Perry Center alumna, is currently the security adviser to the Governor of the State of Veracruz.
While in Washington, DC, the current class will study US National Security Policy as a whole as well as US National security policy toward the Western Hemisphere. They will visit the Mexican Embassy in Washington, DC, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the US Congress, the Inter-American Defense Board and Inter-American Defense College. They will receive presentations from Perry Center professors as well as from NDU and the IADC. The current class is composed of one Army General, three Navy Admirals and two Navy Captains.