Perry Center Welcomes Jamaican Chief of Defense Staff LTG Rocky Meade
LTG Rocky Meade
06 Jan 2022

The Perry Center was honored to welcome the Jamaican Chief of Defense Staff, Lieutenant General Rocky R. Meade, to the Perry Center on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022. During his visit, General Meade discussed some of the highlights of his service as Chief of Defense since 2016 and opportunities for collaboration between the Jamaican Defense Force (JDF) and the Perry Center.

One potential avenue of collaboration is with the Caribbean Military Academy, which was established in 2019 under General Meade’s leadership. The Caribbean Military Academy offers wide ranging academic programs for members of the JDF as well as other defense and security forces from the Caribbean.

In recognition of his years of service and leadership to the JDF, Lieutenant General Rudesheim, Director of the Perry Center, presented Lieutenant General Meade with a certificate naming him an Honorary Distinguished Member of the William J. Perry Center.