On June 29-30, 2021 Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo participated in the 18th Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum convened at Parlatino Headquarters in Panama City, Panama. She spoke on June 29 on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hemispheric security in Spanish and on June 30 on curbing illicit financial flows to fight terrorism, crime and corruption in the Americas in English before an in-person and virtual audience of 200 participants representing US, European and Latin America governments, legislatures and the private sector.
The forum was hosted by Panamanian Minister of Public Security Juan Manuel Pino, President of Parlatino, Senator Jorge Pizarro and President of the Panama National Assembly, Congressman Marcos Castillero and organized by Chairman of Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum, former US Congressman Robert Pittenger and CEO, CBLA Crime Stoppers Alejo Campos. The two-day conference addressed issues like best practices to money laundering and terrorist financing, trade-based money laundering, asset forfeiture, 5G and emerging technologies, blockchain and Bitcoin and cybersecurity threats to global financial systems.