CHDS Engaged in Inter American Defense Board Tabletop Exercise
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08 Mar 2012

CHDS Professors Pedro de la Fuente, Ricardo Hurtado, and Kevin Newmeyer worked with the Inter American Defense Board (IADB) to conduct a three-day tabletop exercise from 6-8 March 2012 to assist the IADB in evaluating their plan for providing advice and information to the Organization of America States during natural disaster events in the hemisphere.

Participants in the event included the IADB Secretariat, the IADB Council of Delegates, USSOUTHCOM, regional military conferences (Council of American Armies, Council of American Air Forces, Inter American Conference of Navies), representatives of El Salvador’s Civil Protection Organization and military, NGOs involved in disaster response, and the Organization of Central American Integration (SICA). Approximately 40 people participated including flag officers from Brazil, Canada, USA, Peru, Mexico, and Uruguay. CHDS Director Downie participated in the opening ceremonies.

The event focused on a major earthquake that affected El Salvador. It served as the test of the IADB’s plan for establishing an information sharing and analysis center (ISAC) that would serve to provide information to the OAS and the IADB Council of Delegates on the military assets that could be used to support the response effort.

The event was in support of IADB’s preparation for participation in USSOUTHCOM Exercise FAHUM later this month and provide information for the IADB response to the OAS on resolutions emanating from the last General Assembly.