CHDS Holds Seminar on Terrorism and Crime in Lima, Peru
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28 Sep 2012

On September 26 and 27, 2012, CHDS Professor Celina B. Realuyo taught a seminar on the nexus between terrorism and crime at the Peruvian Army Intelligence College in Lima, Peru. The seminar, organized by General (ret.) Augusto Álvarez, a CHDS alumnus, was attended by 49 Peruvian Army Officers and 1 Brazilian army officer at the Lieutenant Colonel level. Professor Realuyo taught four modules in Spanish over two days using case studies from the Americas (Colombia, Mexico, Hezbollah in the Tri-border) and Near East South Asia (Afghanistan/Pakistan and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb) and covered the following topics:

  • Asymmetrical Threats in the New Global Security Environment;
  • Combating the Nexus of Terrorism and Crime in the Americas;
  • International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering;
  • Understanding and Combating Terrorist Financing.

Each day included at least one hour of interactive question-and-answer sessions with the students at the conclusion of formal presentations. Students demonstrated a keen interest in US Army General (ret.) David Petraeus’ “Anaconda Strategy” to combat terrorism, insurgency and narcotics in Afghanistan, and expressed a desire to develop a similar one for Peru against the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso).