On September 24, General Juan Pablo Rodriguez Barragan, Commander of the Colombian Armed Forces, visited the Perry Center as part of an official Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff counterpart visit. General Rodriguez and his delegation participated in a roundtable discussion on disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration and transitional justice in Colombia. Other participants included Colombian Naval Attaché Captain Gustavo Camacho; US Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché in Colombia Colonel Michael Knutson; Executive Liasion for the CJSC Lieutenant Commander Von Fernandes; Defense Foreign Liaison Officer Major Amanda Okeson; the Commander’s Aide, Lieutenant Colonel Juan Manuel Ordoñez; Colombian National War College student Colonel Adolfo Hernández Martínez; Colombian CISA students Commander Carlos Delgado, Major Hamilton Jiménez, and Lieutenant Colonel Mauricio Reyes Díaz; Heritage Foundation Research Associate Ms. Ann Quintana; Mr. Stephen Johnson of the International Republican Institute; and Ms. Carmen Nicholson from the US Department of State. NDU Acting President AMB Wanda Nesbitt greeted the delegation alongside Perry Center Director Mark Wilkins, and Dr. Luis Bitencourt, General (ret.) John Thompson, Dr. Scott Tollefson, and Dr. David Spencer represented the Perry Center at the roundtable discussion and luncheon.