Former CHDS Visiting Scholar Jaime Ravinet - Once Again Chilean Defense Minister
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23 Feb 2010

(R) Jaime Ravinet Jaime Ravinet, who in 2009 was a CHDS Visiting Scholar, has been appointed by Chilean President-elect Sebastian Piñera as that country’s new Minister of Defense. Ravinet previously held the top defense portfolio under the presidency of Ricardo Lagos.

In a letter of congratulations to Ravinet following the announcement of his appointment, CHDS Director Richard D. Downie noted that, “although hemispheric defense and security are facing great challenges and opportunities that require the most of our talents and political will” Chile will be able to count on the incoming Defense Minister’s proven record both as a former holder of that portfolio and more generally as a distinguished public servant.

“All of the CHDS family is thrilled to share with you these moments of great joy, knowing of the future challenge faced both by Chile and the hemisphere in general,” Downie concluded. “Best of luck on this delicate mission.”