Perry Center Recognizes Employees for Federal Service
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03 Jun 2016

The Perry Center recognized nine employees for their years of service in the federal government. With tenures ranging from five to thirty-five years, each employee received a certificate and pin to acknowledge his or her time in service and continuing commitment to the Department of Defense and United States Government.

Ms. Alicia Torres-Ferrer, a program specialist at the Perry Center, was one of the recipients, honored for her thirty-five years of service in the US Government. Originally from Puerto Rico, Ms. Torres-Ferrer joined the federal service as part of the National Puerto Rican Forum in 1981. She has served in the Department of Defense, Department of State, and Department of Agriculture. In 1997, Ms. Torres-Ferrer began working at the Perry Center as one of the new Regional Center’s first staffers and has since provided excellent administrative support to the Center’s faculty, staff, and academic programs. “I enjoy my work at the Perry Center and in DoD,” explained Ms. Torres-Ferrer. “Through it, I feel that I can contribute to DoD’s efforts to protect the nation.”

Including Ms. Torres-Ferrer, seven employees were honored with time-in-service awards:

  • Ms. Alicia Torres-Ferrer, 35 years
  • Mr. Michael Mann, 15 years
  • Ms. Georgina Crovetto, 10 years
  • Dr. David Spencer, 10 years
  • Mr. Luis Castro, 5 years
  • Mr. Nick Foreit, 5 years
  • Ms. María Martínez, 5 years
  • Mr. Pat Paterson, 5 years
  • Mr. Henry Tweddle, 5 years

The Perry Center thanks these public servants for their dedication and commitment to the Center, DoD, and the US Government.