Subregional Perspectives – The Andean Ridge
Subregional Perspectives – The Andean Ridge
08 Aug 2020

On July 14 the Perry Center presented a webinar in the subregional perspectives series about the impact of COVID-19 in the Andean Ridge. Dr. Bill Godnick introduced the session by pointing out that the region was especially hard hit by the pandemic, both during the early days in Quayaquil and more recently with an outbreak in Bolivia that extended to the interim president and several members of her cabinet. General Walter Astudillo of the Peruvian Ministry of Defense and Dr. Natalia Herrera of the Colombian Ministry of Defense discussed the challenges presented by COVID-19 and the ways the armed forces in their respective countries are assisting local and regional authorities in their response to the pandemic. Their presentations were followed by a question and answer segment moderated by Dr. Godnick

Event Recording (Spanish)