The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things
14 Apr 2021

On April 13, 2021 the Perry Center hosted the webinar “The Internet of Things (IoT)” featuring guest speaker Professor Harry Wingo, JD, Professor, College of Information and Cyberspace, National Defense University. Professor Wingo emphasized the need for trust and trusted technologies and commented that “the Internet of Things is really becoming the Internet of Everything, but there are challenges as well as opportunities.” He described advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning and discussed strategic and policy level tools that need to be in place to ensure laws are in place for ethical decision making. Professor Wingo stressed the importance of building trust among nations in order to work together to create cybersecurity standards which support our democracies. This cooperation as well as strategies to invest and create strong public-private partnerships were noted as key elements in creating effective cyber policies throughout the Americas. Perry Center professor Dr. Boris Saavedra moderated the event.

Event Recording