Washington Security and Defense Seminar Comes to an End
WSDS 2012 Masthead
05 Oct 2012

From the first to the fifth of October, CHDS hosted its annual Washington Seminar on Security and Defense (WSDS) seminar. The popular WSDS seminar brings together professionals with policy, military, military, and diplomatic backgrounds to examine topics such as different perspectives on national strategy and objectives, policy guidelines, and the dynamics of decision-making in a democratic society. The WSDS seminar is unique to the Center and builds capacity by bringing together a range of leading political security professionals as guest speakers throughout the week. This year, participants received presentations from representatives of the US Departments of State and Defense, US Southern Command, US Northern Command, eminent local research institutions, and CHDS faculty members. Coming from some twenty countries in the hemisphere, the seminar was attended by 63 participants; including army, navy, and air force attachés, diplomatic corps, members of law enforcement agencies and political advisors from the accredited embassies in Washington, DC, who contributed their perspectives and knowledge to a fluid and enriching debate on the topics presented by the lecturers.