The governments of the Western Hemipshere ask more and more of the armed forces on a regular basis. In some instances they are sent overseas for peackeeping and stabilization missions. In Latin America, the armed forces are increasingly called upon to provide support to the police in very complex environmenbts, and in some jurisdictions take over public security altogether. With the exception of the military police units the use of force paradigm utilized by military forces is designed to defeat an adversary under the legal framework of international humanitarian law (IHL) otherwise known as the law of armed conflict (LOAC). Many of these new mission sets described above take place outside of war and thus outside of IHL/LOAC. This reality presents a series of challenges for armed forces as related to both accountability and the management of general military operations and conduct.
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SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has had an infinite number of effects in the world with the intense use of cyberspace and the governance of activities on a global scale. Given that governance and governability have different connotations and that they are closely related. Both terms will be considered in security and defense, which are redefining the strategies due to the impact of the convergence of accelerated exponential technologies in the planning, management and decision-making of the sector with strong public-private participation.
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The English and Spanish language versions of this webinar were recorded on separate dates.
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The topic for this webinar is "The Role of Security Forces in Central America in the Age of COVID-19"
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This webinar will discuss the Mexican government's response to the COVID-19 and how the pandemic is affecting the cartels, organized crime and security in Mexico.
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