In the past decade, South American vulnerable populations have increasingly become victims of human trafficking via cybersex venues like live webcam sites such as Chaturbate and My Free Cams. Given the increasing prevalence of cybersex trafficking, the complicated nature of addressing the crime, and South American governments’ previous reliance on militaries to address other forms of trafficking (i.e., drug trafficking), this paper answers the following question: should the region’s militaries be called upon to confront the pervasive crime? Ms. Nelson’s paper defines what human trafficking, sex trafficking, and cybersex trafficking are, and their distinctions; it discusses the advent of cybersex trafficking and its contemporary proliferation, challenges in fighting the crime, and possible responses.
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Dialogues with the Perry Center, Season 2, Episode 2: In this episode, Dr. Luis Bitencourt discusses cybersecurity with Perry Center Professor Dr. Boris Saavedra. Dr. Saavedra explains the various dimensions of cyber threats and recommends measures to confront threats without limiting cyber benefits. He also highlights Perry Center programming that aims to bolster cybersecurity in the Western Hemisphere.

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This publication analyzes the role of China and Russia as strategic competitors of the United States, and how they have been expanding their influence in the Americas through instruments of national power such as diplomacy, information, and the economy. They are now involved in new domains including emerging technologies, cyberspace and outer space. These strategic competitors have been supporting autocratic regimes and threatening democracy, prosperity and security in the region.
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The evolution of global geopolitics has its center of gravity constituted by the emerging digital technology of exponential acceleration, which is based on the control or power of information and communications. When making a prospective emphasis to analyze the influence of emerging digital technology, it is observed that it is a bearer of the future through artificial intelligence technology, 5G communications and quantum computing.

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Dr. Boris Saavedra of the William J. Perry Center has published an important research paper with a timely and thorough analysis on how artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies are transforming (and will continue to transform) our lives. It raises awareness of the challenges humanity faces with a technology that is outpacing regulation and what Latin American and Caribbean governments should expect in the future. The political and strategic disruptions AI may cause in the next few years will represent tough challenges for all countries in the Western Hemisphere. Dr. Saavedra’s analysis identifies the risks and the strategic actions required to mitigate and prepare for these future challenges.
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This article provides highlights of the Perry Center's 2022 cyber policy course, “Cybersecurity Policy in the Americas: Challenges for Policy-Strategic Analysis,” led by Dr. Boris Saavedra.
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Today, social networks are the cause of a kind of social disease. A significant group of people believe that social networks have a disproportionate influence on important social and political decisions. In this report, the author examines the elements of freedom of expression with a focus on censorship, hate speech, fake news, and other factors.
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The Caribbean faces a plethora of security challenges not the least of which are the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change problems, crime, and cyber security gaps. This collection of essays from participants in the Caribbean Defense and Security Course (2021) in August 2021 provides first-hand perspectives of 18 authors who help manage these challenges on behalf of their governments.
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