22nd Iteration of the CEDEYAC Course Begins
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11 Sep 2012

With the participation of 45 students, the Strategic Direction for Defense and Crisis Management Course (CEDEYAC) began its 22nd iteration, in which civilian officials from various public sector entities, businessmen, as well as high-ranking military and national police officers take part. CHDS usually supports CEDEYAC courses through videoconference lectures, but because Professor Manuel Lora was already in Peru attending the Annual CHDS Peruvian Alumni Conference, he gave the lecture in person. The presentation “Conceptual Framework of Security and Defense” generated an intense dialogue and interaction with the participants and served as a central element in the small group discussion sessions. Professor Lora also presented CHDS’ Institutional brief showcasing courses and several strategic interaction activities, and congratulated CEDEYAC for its success on behalf of CHDS Director Dr. Richard Downie.