Chile’s Undersecretary of the Armed Forces Visits the Perry Center
Undersecretary of Chilean Armed Forces Visit
17 May 2016

Ms. Paulina Vodanovic Rojas, Chile’s Undersecretary of the Armed Forces, visited the Perry Center, where she met with Perry Center Director Mark Wilkins and engaged in a roundtable discussion with several Perry Center faculty and staff members. As Undersecretary, Ms. Vodanovic oversees a portfolio that includes the policy, management, and finances of the Chilean Ministry of Armed Forces. She has served in this position since October 2015.

Kicking off the visit, Director Wilkins welcomed Ms. Vodanovic and representatives from both the Chilean and United States governments. Ms. Vodanovic updated the group on the current efforts of Chile’s Ministry of Defense, and all parties explored opportunities for collaboration between the Perry Center and the National Academy of Political and Strategy Studies (ANEPE). Director Wilkins and Ms. Vodanovic closed the discussion with final remarks and a gift exchange.

Ms. Vodanovic will remain in the United States for several more days before returning to Chile. During this time, she will meet with a variety of officials from the Pentagon and US Southern Command.