Colombia's CAEM Pays a Visit to CHDS; Awards Professor Michael Gold-Biss "Escuela Superior de Guerra" Medal
08 Jun 2012

On June 6, CHDS hosted a visit by Colombia’s Advanced Military Studies Course (Curso de Altos studios Militares – CAEM). The delegation was headed Major General Jairo Alfonso Aponte Prieto, Director of Colombia’s Higher War School (Escuela Superior de Guerra – ESDEGUE), and was composed of 21 officers from the various services who are slated for promotion to flag ranks next year. The CAEM students gave a presentation on national security and then held a productive discussion session with CHDS faculty on how military strength can support government policy.

Dr. Michael Gold-Biss Awarded the “Escuela Superior de Guerra” Medal

Following the presentations, General Aponte presented Dr. Michael Gold-Biss with the College’s highest honor The Military Medal “Escuela Superior de Guerra.” The Military Medal is awarded to those who “though their dedication to work, collaboration and outstanding service have contributed to the work of the College.” Furthermore, it is “recognition of leadership, exemplary attitudes, constant focus, collaboration and the provision of invaluable services and support.” The Resolution announcing the award was signed by General Alejandro Navas Ramos, Commander of the Military Forces of Colombia.

General Aponte emphasized Dr. Gold-Biss’ commitment to build a stronger institutional relationship between the CHDS and ESDEGUE that has contributed to enhanced curricular activities and content. Dr. Richard Downie, Director of the Center, also congratulated Dr. Gold-Biss’ dedication to the mission of both institutions.

Dr. Gold-Biss has been with CHDS since 2005 and previously served as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the Division of International Outreach and Research. He has managed the Center’s activities with Colombia since 2007.